Great River Learning Centers
We are dedicated to transforming lives and bridging social and economic gaps, ensuring everyone has access to the assistance they need.
Our non-profit organization stands committed to providing specialized education parent and community support services and evidence-based literacy instruction, especially for underserved and underprivileged communities. We strongly believe in equal access to quality education for every child, irrespective of their socio-economic background.
Our initiatives include Reading Literacy Learning Centers, designed to assist students, particularly those with dyslexia, in overcoming literacy hurdles. Our approach is grounded in the Science of Reading, providing a safe and engaging environment where students can hone their reading skills after school and during school breaks. We firmly believe in the fundamental role of reading in education and strive to equip every child with the necessary resources and opportunities to enhance their literacy skills.
  • Parent/Guardian Education 89% 89%
  • Reading Literacy & Learning 95% 95%
  • Community Services 98% 98%

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